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Please note: This article is about the ronin yoriki. For other uses of the term, please see Hogai (disambiguation).

Yoritomo Hogai was hired as yoriki to Miya Ichiko, the local magistrate of Kalani's Landing. Choro was the other yoriki. Hogai spent his free time at a sake house called the Drunken Orochi, throwing dice and trading tales with fellow Mantis. [1]

Merchant Conflict[]

Hogai was fully aware that Ichiko had deliberately shut down an investigation into the bandits that attacked a jade mine owned by a local merchant, Yasuki Kappako, and believed she was doing so at the direction of her patron in the Second City, Otomo Akio. [2]


  1. Second City - The Campaign, pp. 34-35
  2. Second City - The Campaign, p. 35

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