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Xiē Lóng Gǔ, the Immortal Guardian Domain, also known as the Immortal Guardian Domain, was the most heavily guarded place in Yún Fēng Guó. Surrounded by impenetrable mountains, it was a beautiful valley in an eternal state of springtime. The valley could only be entered or exited via a series of tunnels both natural and man-made that extended through the neighboring mountain ranges. The bodies of the land's emperors were interred here in palatial tombs made entirely of spirit jade. Many imperial bodyguards chose to guard their emperors past death, and through spirit jade alchemy and magics unknown to Rokugan, they were transformed into imposing clay golems, immune to the rigors of time as they took up their post defending the tunnels, city, and palace of tombs. Grave robbers were hunted down ruthlessly by elite soldiers and terracotta golems. [1]


  1. Adventures in Rokugan, p. 177

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