L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki

The World of the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game is a vast and diverse setting. Although most of the official material focuses on the empire of Rokugan and the human samurai living there, there are many other places, nations, peoples, and beings that inhabit the world.

Nations and Other Regions[]

The Empire of Rokugan[]

Rokugan is the focus of the Legend of the Five Rings setting. It is a land of magic and samurai, where deadly battles are fought in fields with the sword and in courts with the spoken word. [1]

Burning Sands[]

The Burning Sands lie to the north of Rokugan. [2]


The Shadowlands border Rokugan to the south. [2]


In the world of Rokugan, there are many different and extraordinary creatures roaming the lands, and humans are not the only beings to have developed a civilization.

