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War Against Fu Leng (TCG) 
War Against Fu Leng (TCG)
Location: Rokugan
Date: 39 - 42 [1]
Major Forces:
Emerald Empire
Fu Leng
Battles of Rokugan (TCG)

The War Against Fu Leng, also known as the First War, [2] was the struggle to seize the control of Rokugan between the Fallen Kami Fu Leng and his siblings, founders of the fledging Empire.

Claiming the Right to Rule Rokugan[]

After the Kami fell from Tengoku, Hantei was proclaimed the Emperor of the lands which would be known as Rokugan after he won the Tournament of the Kami. But not long after the Kami had begun to order the world and formed clans with their earliest followers, Fu Leng, who had fallen in another place and plunged through the earth to Jigoku itself, emerged from his subterranean lair. He confronted Hantei because he had not been invited to the Tournament, and challenged Hantei's right to rule these lands. Togashi was selected as the Emperor's Champion, who in turn selected all that lives in Rokugan as his weapon. [3]


Fu Leng amassed a Shadowlands army [4] and began to destroy his siblings' empire. The Shadowlands army assaulted the Imperial City Otosan Uchi and even one of the city's walls was the destroyed, the Northern Wall. [2]

Day of Thunder[]

Fu Leng's minions and the Empire fought an interminable war, and each assault was repelled by the Rokugani defenders. After many years, the Dark Kami marshaled a large and powerful army, and the defenders of the Empire realized they might slow this assault, but they would not stip it. Shinsei came to the Kami with a bold plan. He told the Emperor that fortune favors the mortal man, and so he would gather seven human warriors, traveling deep into the Shadowlands and confront Fu Leng himself. [5] When Fu Leng was wounded by Akodo, it forced the Ninth Kami to retreat, creating the opening Shinsei required to end the conflict. [6] Fu Leng's army was eventually repelled from Rokugan by the Seven Thunders, [7] on what became known as the Day of Thunder. The cost was heavy, as only Shosuro survived the fight. Isawa sealed Fu Leng's soul into the Black Scrolls and Shosuro could escape the Shadowlands with the scrolls, pursued by the armies of the Shadowlands. [8] Just after the Day of Thunder, the Kami Shiba moved to the Shadowlands and alone stood between a vast horde of its foul denizens and the last Thunders. Drawing Ofushikai, Shiba swore that these lives were under his protection and cut his way through the host to the First Oni. Legends said that their blades flashed for a hundred days, leveling the mountains around them and cutting great rifts across the ground. In the end, each cut the other down, but Shiba fell with his oath unbroken, and as a result of his prowess and sacrifice, the Thunder Shosuro and the prophet Shinsei survived. [9]


Hantei commanded the Crab to build a wall to protect the Empire from the evils of the Shadowlands and from the corruptive power of the Taint, a structure which was known as the Kaiu Wall. [7]

External Links[]


  1. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 10
  2. 2.0 2.1 Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 74
  3. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, pp. 4-5
  4. Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game
  5. Trail of Shadows, by D.G. Laderoute
  6. Celestial Realms, p. 101
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dark Hands of Heaven (FFG News)
  8. Whispers of Shadow and Steel, by Mari Murdock
  9. Legend of the Five Rings: Roleplaying Game (Beta), p. 110

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