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A Maho-tsukai crafting an Uke

Uke', "the persistent boken", was a boken imbued with an oni. [1]


Maho-tsukai usually made these boken and sold to unsuspecting bushi. [1]

Persistent tests[]

The small oni hosted within the weapon animated each day and fought the owner in the guise of a practice match, every day stronger than before, gowing until the seventh day of the seventh week. The fifth week, the oni started to become visible as a shadowy form gripping the boken's hilt. The oni could be sated with the name of its owner, which would realease the demon. If its victim died, the oni began again with the first person to draw a katana in its presence. [1]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bearers of Jade, p. 68

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