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a Tsumunagi

Tsumunagi, also known as blood eels, lived in heavily tainted areas, dwelling inside rotten trunks in bogs and marshlands. They had two sucking mouths on the underside of their black rubbery bodies, [1] and along their edges were tiny gripping hooks. At either end of the creature were grappling claws. They sprung onto nearby victims and wrapped themselves tightly around one of their limbs. [2] The creature’s saliva thinned the blood, so even if freed the victim would continue to bleed profusely unless properly bandaged. The Tsumunagi would release its grip if open flame was applied to its skin. [3]

See also[]


  1. Creatures of Rokugan, p. 73
  2. The Book of the Shadowlands, p. 132
  3. Enemies of the Empire, p. 236

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