RPG Information (AEG)[]
Togashi family (Agility +1; [1] Reflexes +1) [2]
The Togashi family are the order of Ise Zumi monks, and were founded by the founder of the Dragon Clan, Togashi. [1] The Togashi accepted all who wish to join their ranks, provided they were able to embrace the order's teachings and endure its trials. [2]
RPG Information (FFG)[]
Togashi family (Earth or Void +1; Fitness +1; Theology + 1; Glory 45)
The Togashi family were the oddest family in the Empire. Togashi monks and nuns wandered the Empire, known to all by their skill with kōan and the martial arts, as well as by the beautiful and mystical tattoos that granted them supernatural abilities. [3]