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Please note: This article is about the only child of the Kami Togashi. For other uses of the term, please see Hoshi (disambiguation).
Togashi Hoshi 
Togashi Hoshi 
Born: 238 
Died: 1159 (ascension) 
Parents: Togashi, Bayushi Kuninoko 
Siblings: None 
Spouse: Hoshi Eisai 
Children: Togashi Satsu 
Titles: Hoshi family founder, Dragon Clan Champion

Togashi Hoshi was the only child of the Kami Togashi. Hoshi had the ability, like his father, to take the form of a dragon. After the death of his father in 1128, the new Dragon Clan Champion Hitomi systematically corrupted, destroyed, or exiled the Togashi family. During this period, Hoshi sought refuge with the Brotherhood of Shinsei, whom he had strong ties with. Following the ascension of Hitomi as Lady Moon in 1132, Hoshi took command of the Dragon Clan. Hoshi ascended to the heavens in 1159, becoming the Celestial Wanderer, being over 700 years old at the time.




Hoshi's mother, Bayushi Kuninoko, was the daughter of Bayushi Oshiso, the Scorpion Clan Champion in the third century. Oshiso had sent his daughter to spy on the Dragon Clan, and she did not return for the next seven years. When she did return, her hair bore streaks of white and she was completely blind, but she knew the Dragon Clan's secret. She told Oshiso that the Dragon Clan Champion Togashi Kuzejiro was in fact the Kami Togashi, and that she had to return to Kyuden Togashi, because she was pregnant with Togashi's child. At first Oshiso did not wish to let his daughter return, but he realized that he had no choice, and she returned to the Dragon lands and gave birth to Hoshi [1] in the year 238. [2] His story was told in the Tale of Hoshi. [3]

Knowledge of His Existence[]

Only a few at any time knew of his existence. One of these few is the highest ranking among the Bayushi family, most commonly the Scorpion Clan Champion. Also a very few of the Togashi order would be aware of his existence. [4] The Scorpion Clan spent countless centuries sending agents into the Dragon lands to discover the destiny of Kuninoko's child, and was able to finally discover Hoshi during the rulership of the Scorpion Daimyo Bayushi Shoju in the late 11th century or early 12th century. Shortly thereafter, Shoju departed for Dragon lands and had a private conversation with Togashi. [5]


Togashi Hoshi 2

Togashi Hoshi

Hoshi has the ability to look like anyone. In his normal form, however, he is a huge, red-skinned Rokugani from the waist up with the legs and body of a brilliant red dragon. He wears no clothing in his natural shape, and his eyes glow yellow like his father's. He is unusually fast for his size and possesses stealth that a ninja would envy. [4]


Hoshi was his father's eyes in the world. Togashi would have him observe special events and deliver messages to specific people at certain times. When not doing this he would remain hidden in Kyuden Togashi. He had his father's shape-changing abilities, and never ventured out of Dragon lands in his natural form. He would often spy on his Scorpion cousins disguised as a beggar, and had numerous other guises to hide amongst the other courts and villages of Rokugan. [6]

Love of Secrets[]

Like his mother, Hoshi loved secrets. He took great delight in learning as much hidden knowledge as he could, and the Scorpion Clan would be appalled if they were aware of some of the things that he knew. [4]


In 1115 Hoshi moved to Shiro Mirumoto during the Imperial winter court. He was accidentally witnessed in his true form by the guest Shosuro Nimuri, who was quickly beheaded by the Mirumoto Daimyo Mirumoto Hitomi. [7]

Scorpion Coup[]

Shortly after the Scorpion Coup in 1123, Hoshi wrote a letter to his father begging him to keep the Dragon Clan out of the events unfolding at the capital. Hoshi suspected the true motivations for Bayushi Shoju's actions, and felt the Dragon should allow the Scorpion to complete the task they had begun. [8]

Disguised as a Scorpion[]

During the Clan War Hoshi impersonated a retired Scorpion named Suisei. [9] He joined the Scorpion ronin Bayushi Tasu and his followers, who had abandoned the mad Soshi Bantaro, who was eager to resurrect the deceased Bayushi Shoju. Suisei taught the group the bushi techniques he knew. Tasu and Suisei forged the band of exiles into an elite band of assassins who specialized in destroying the creatures of the Shadowlands. [10]

Siege of Sleeping Mountain[]

Togashi Hoshi 6

Hoshi left Hitomi's madness

In 1131 the Naga, led by Qamar, invaded the lower Dragon provinces. It was unknown to most why the Naga had done this, and their rampage destroyed three minor strongholds of the Dragon. [11]

Joining of the Brotherhood[]

The Naga were suddenly halted by the appearance of the Brotherhood of Shinsei. Many believed the Brotherhood were there to parley with the Naga to end hostilities, but when the Brotherhood, mostly former Togashi Ise Zumi led by Hoshi, joined forces with the Naga, many were taken aback. [11] Even Hitomi's own brother Mirumoto Daini chose to side with the Naga. [12]

Hoshi Family[]

Togashi Hoshi 1

Hoshi granting tattoos

It became clear within weeks that Hoshi had mastered the art of magical tattooing, making many Ise Zumi, and many of the Brotherhood swore fealty to the Hoshi name. [11]

Meeting Eisai[]

Hoshi met his future wife Hoshi Eisai in the Dragon mountains while the Naga and the Brotherhood were allied against Hitomi. Hoshi considered her appearance a gift from his father, the Kami Togashi. [12]

Armor of Earth[]

In 1132 the Oracle of Earth, through the former Dragons Mitsu and Hoshi, gifted the Armor of Earth, an Elemental Nemuranai crafted in 1127, to Otaku Xieng Chi. [13] They told her that Otaku Kamoko, the missing Otaku Daimyo, was in danger. She was being hunted down in Phoenix lands by unspeakable evil. They believed it was Xieng Chi's destiny to save the soul of the Unicorn Thunder. [14]

Hidden Emperor[]

In 1132 Hoshi, Mitsu, and Suana came to Morikage Forest seeking the kidnapped Emperor Toturi I. The Shadow was aware of their coming, and sent his minions to attack them. Eisai appeared there while they were fighting the Goju. Suana believed they could do nothing more for the Emperor and it was time to escape. The four were magically transported out of the forest. [15]

Shiro Kitsuki[]

Hoshi and the Qamar decided to seize Shiro Kitsuki [12] after the fall of Kyuden Agasha. [16] Despite efforts to capture the castle without a fight, a fierce battle ensued, known as the Fall of Shiro Kitsuki. The Brotherhood was horrified with the bloodbath and withdrew with the Naga, but Hoshi remained. [17]

Shiro Mirumoto[]

The third Dragon stronghold to fall was Shiro Mirumoto, where Hitomi's followers took their lives rather than surrender the castle. Hoshi and Qamar were horrified at the fanaticism of the Dragon loyalists. [18]

Naga Storm Mirumoto Mountain[]

Hitomi, twisted by the Obsidian Hand, tried to use the knowledge of Shosuro, who was trapped in the Chamber of Crystal, but the end result was the escape of the Scorpion Thunder and the expansion of the Lying Darkness. The Naga cut access to all the paths to Kyuden Hitomi. The siege lasted until 1132 when Toku was commanded by the Regent Takuan to take the Monkey Clan and end the fighting in Dragon lands. [19]

Dragon Champion[]

Hoshi dueling Hitomi

Hoshi faced Hitomi

While the Naga and the Imperial Legions were distracted, Hoshi and his followers stormed Kyuden Hitomi. Bloodied and with his eyes filled with pain, Hoshi stepped at last into the court of the Dragon palace. Only one woman stood between him and his claim to his father's throne. [20] Hitomi drew her swords and faced Togashi's son. [21] They attacked each other, [22] but suddenly Hitomi ceased the fight and walked away, leaving Hoshi to reclaim his father's throne. [23] [24] Hoshi had allowed Hitomi to win the duel. When she realized that she had been prepared to kill the son of her clan's founder at the behest of the deranged outcast Kokujin, Hitomi had finally seen the grave mistakes that she had made. [25] The new Champion vowed that never again would Dragon fight Dragon. [26]

The Togashi Name Restored[]

Upon the ascension of Hitomi to become Lady Moon, the Togashi were reinstated and Togashi Hoshi claimed leadership of the Dragon. In addition to the Togashi being restored, those who swore fealty to the Hoshi name were allowed to join the Dragon. Using information learned from Hitomi, Hoshi prepared for the upcoming conflict with the Lying Darkness. [11]

War Against the Shadow[]

Togashi Hoshi 3

Dragon Champion Togashi Hoshi

Shortly after Hoshi had a child, Yoshune, he led the Dragon Clan forces in the march to Volturnum [27] and promised to return. [28] Hoshi fought in the Battle of Oblivion's Gate. Hitomi Kobai saw that Kokujin, wielding Togashi's Daisho, was part of the Shadowlands army led by Akuma no Oni. The creatures blocked their way, but a group of Nezumi had found a way through the oni lines toward the troll city of Volturnum. Hoshi gave permission to Kobai to hunt down and kill Kokujin. [29] With Hitomi's Last Gift, the ise zumi drove back the Shadow at Volturnum's gates. [30]

War of Spirits[]

In 1138 the returned spirit Hantei XVI declared the War of Spirits upon Toturi I. The Dragon took little active part in the war , still remembering the great schism that Hitomi had caused within their clan. [31] By keeping his clan mostly out of the War, a number of Dragon spirits were prevented from joining Hantei's spirit ranks, thereby subtly aiding Toturi's mortal forces. [32]


Celestial Wanderers

The Celestial Wanderers, Hoshi and Eisai

Hoshi married Hoshi Eisai and the couple later had a son named Togashi Yoshune [33] in 1132. At Yoshune's birth, Hoshi recognized the soul of his father within the infant. The soul of Togashi had returned. [34] His gempukku name would be Satsu as a favor to Hitomi, who before she left the clan had gifted the Dragon with Hitomi's Last Gift. [27]

Yoshune would frequently run away into the mountains surrounding the Great Climb, and Hoshi would travel out and convince his son to return. During one such event in 1141, Hoshi explained to his son that he would have to take responsibility for his own actions. It was at this time that Yoshune revealed to his father the name he intended to take upon reaching his gempukku. He wished to take the name of Mirumoto Satsu, hoping that it would give him the wisdom to make difficult decisions. [35]

"You should not run away on these adventures, Yoshune. You will kill your mother with worry."

Celestial Sword[]

When the Fortune of Steel, Xing Guo, returned to Rokugan after forging the Celestial Swords to be given to the Clan Champions, he appeared on Togashi Mountain and spoke to Hoshi privately. From that day on his son Satsu wielded a new blade. [36]

The Tamashii[]

Togashi Hoshi 4

Togashi Hoshi

The revelation that Togashi Matsuo, a young boy orphaned during the War of Spirits, was a new tamashii, posed several questions that Hoshi could not answer. The Dragon Clan Champion sought out the legendary ise zumi Togashi Mitsu in 1156, finding the monk hiding from the world in Seikitsu Pass. Hoshi revealed to Mitsu the existence of Matsuo, and Mitsu agreed to take the young man on as his student. [37]

"My father once said that you had a great destiny, Mitsu-san. You are the one who assumed it would be to die for him. Perhaps he meant for you to live for him. Do not turn your back on us, old friend. Do not turn your back on Matsuo."

Four Winds[]

Preparations for the Winter Court[]

When the Four Winds issued invitations to the Emperor's Winter Court, the location of the court had been left in the hands of the representatives of the Great Clans. [38] Hoshi proposed he would meet with whichever Wind found favor with the Dragon, and allow them to receive a gift of forewarning. [39]


Celestial Wanderer[]

Hoshi and his wife ascended to the Celestial Heavens in 1159, [40] [41] becoming the Celestial Wanderer.

Choosing the New Leader[]

All the Dragon Clan Daimyos were gathered at the High House of Light. Hoshi decided to appear during a brief time to give his clan Daimyos a mission: to choose the new Clan Champion. Mirumoto Uso, Kitsuki Mizuochi, Hitomi Kagetora and Tamori Shaitung, alongside with Hoshi's son, Togashi Satsu, were chosen to decide who was most prepared for the duty. Hoshi knew that he must leave the Dragon and take his place among the Heavens, avoiding the mistake Toturi Kaede made. [42]

Passing the Mantle[]

In 1159 the leadership of the Dragon Clan passed to his son Togashi Satsu.[citation needed]

Invasion of the Celestial Heavens[]

During the assault of Tengoku by Fu Leng the Fushicho led by Hoshi fought bravely against the Shadowlands horde. [43] He fought The Maw in personal combat. [44] In 1160 the invasion was halted when the words of Hantei Naseru tricked Fu Leng into distrusting Daigotsu, whose faith was the source of Fu Leng's power. [45] Taking advantage of this moment of weakness, Bishamon deprived Fu Leng of Emma-O's Spear, and Hoshi pushed him back through the gates of Tengoku. Fu Leng was once again confronted by the Seven Thunders and decided to retreat. [46]

Hoshi Warning[]

In 1165 the Celestial Wanderer returned to Ningen-do to the village of Tsuma, where the contest of the Topaz Champion was being held. He told Doji Reju that three strangers conspired against their Lords. [47] Later some said Hoshi warned about the Gozoku conspiracy. [48] The advice he gave was instrumental in the defeat of the Ninube. [49]

See also[]

Togashi Hoshi 5

Togashi Hoshi

External Links[]

Preceded by:
Togashi Yokuni
Togashi Daimyo
1128 - 1129, 1132 - 1159
Succeeded by:
Togashi Satsu
Preceded by:
Hoshi Daimyo
1131 - 1159
Succeeded by:
Hoshi Wayan
Preceded by:
Dragon Clan Champion
1132 - 1159
Succeeded by:
Togashi Satsu
Preceded by:
Head of the Brotherhood
? - 1159
Succeeded by:


  1. Way of the Dragon, pp. 18-19
  2. Imperial Histories 2, p. 37
  3. Way of the Dragon, p. 82
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Way of the Dragon, p. 61
  5. Way of the Scorpion, p. 27
  6. Way of the Dragon, pp. 60-61
  7. A Dark Past, By Ken Carpenter
  8. Clan Letter to the Dragon Clan (Imperial Herald v.2 #4)
  9. Time of the Void, p. 132
  10. Time of the Void, p. 87
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Legend of the Five Rings: Third Edition, pp. 22,23
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Of Riddles by Ree Soesbee
  13. The Storming of Morikage Castle, Part 1, by Ree Soesbee
  14. Hidden Emperor, pp. 25-26
  15. The Storming of Morikage Castle, Part 3, by Ree Soesbee
  16. Clan Letter to the Unicorn #10 (Imperial Herald v3 #2)
  17. Hidden Emperor, p. 29
  18. Ashigaru Spearman (Dark Journey Home flavor)
  19. Starter Quotes (Siege of Sleeping Mountain)
  20. Iaijutsu Duel (Siege of Sleeping Mountain flavor)
  21. Rulebook Story (Siege of Sleeping Mountain)
  22. Hoshi's Challenge (Honor Bound flavor)
  23. Another Time (Siege of Sleeping Mountain flavor)
  24. Hidden Emperor, p. 42
  25. Way of the Open Hand, p. 56
  26. Hoshi (Siege of Sleeping Mountain flavor)
  27. 27.0 27.1 Clan Letter to the Dragon (Imperial Herald v4 #2)
  28. Hoshi Eisai (Soul of the Empire flavor)
  29. The Race to Volturnum: Dragon
  30. Hitomi's Last Gift, by Ree Soesbee
  31. Imperial Histories, p. 221
  32. Imperial Histories, p. 226
  33. Crow Tattoo (Fire and Shadow flavor)
  34. Hidden Emperor, p. 65
  35. 35.0 35.1 Enlightened Madness, Part Four, by Rich Wulf
  36. Magic of Rokugan, p. 82
  37. 37.0 37.1 Enlightened Madness, Part Five, by Rich Wulf
  38. Secrets on the Wind - Prologue, by Rich Wulf
  39. Secrets on the Wind - Part 1, by Rich Wulf and Shawn Carman
  40. Togashi Satsu (A Perfect Cut flavor)
  41. Four Winds, p. 41
  42. Many Dark Tomorrows (Season of the Dragon)
  43. Jade, by Rich Wulf
  44. Fight For Tomorrow, Part I
  45. Fight for Tomorrow, Part 11, by Rich Wulf
  46. Corruption's Price, by Rich Wulf
  47. Daughter of Doji, by Shawn Carman and Rich Wulf
  48. Plans Within Plans (The Race for the Throne Book), by Nancy Sauer
  49. The Ruins of Otosan Uchi, Part 1 and 3, by Shawn Carman

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