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Thunder Guard

Thunder Guard

Thunder Guard were the Elite guardians of Ryoko Owari Toshi. The Dragon's Gate housed their headquarters. [1] They were most commonly known as 'Red Plumes' [2] for handsome dyed plumed helmets. [3]


The Guard enforced the governor's law, defended the city from invasion, checked incoming barges, boats and wagons for contraband, checked travel papers, and generally ensure civic peace. [4] Thunder Guard put out fires in the Noble Quarter, [5] and they used to be enemies of the kajinin, the other firemen of the city. [6]


They frequently were commanded by a single samurai who reported solely to the governor. Thunder Guard membership was highly valued by local samurai, but from outside they had a reputation as corrupt bullies. [7]


Known Techniques and Feats[]


Opium War[]

During the Opium War in 1122 the Thunder Guard were involved in the side of the Shosuro cartel, which its leader, Shosuro Hyobu, was the city's governor. [9]

Destroyer War[]

In 1172 the Thunder Guard and the kajinin worked together to evacuate the city. The God Beast of Kali-Ma was approaching and it was not clear if the assembled rokugani armies could stop it. [6]

Known Commanders[]

See also[]


  1. City of Lies: Location Guide, p. 52
  2. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 12
  3. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 21
  4. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 22
  5. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 7
  6. 6.0 6.1 Wrath of the God-Beast, Part 1, by Shawn Carman
  7. Way of the Thief, p. 72
  8. City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 4
  9. City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 83

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