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Three Nameless Gods (TCG) 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Pre-calendar 
Children: Onnotangu,

The Three Nameless Gods, according to the Rokugani pantheon, came at the same time the Heavens and earth were created. They saw that while Heaven and earth had been formed, everything within them was still wild and unshaped. They decided to bring form to the earth below, and using their names they created two gods, who later would be known as the Moon, Onnotangu, and the Sun, Amaterasu, and sent them out to give shape to the world. [1] The earth was filled with life, and new gods and beasts came into names of their own: the Lord of the Oceans, the Wind God and the Four Cardinal Winds, the Elemental Dragons, and the countless courts of gods of other lands. [2]


  1. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 8
  2. Adventures in Rokugan, p. 303

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