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The Iron Citadel[]

The Iron Citadel
The Iron Citadel-card
Clan neutral
Type Spell/CCG
Rarity Rare
Illus Tom Biondolillo
Set, ID Forbidden Knowledge CCG set, -
Edition Forbidden Knowledge
Legality None
Traits Black Scroll • Unique
Text Give this Shugenja a -1C Corruption token each time it straightens.
Limited: Bow and destroy this Shugenja and this spell. Your Stronghold is replaced permanently with the Iron Citadel of Fu Leng, which has the following stats: Unique, Province Strength 15, Gold Production 0, Starting Honor 0, and no special abilities. You may not win through an honor victory. Your clan affiliation and current Honor total are unchanged.
Flavor -
Rarity Rare
Card Type Spell
Gold Cost 0
Focus Value 3
Artist Tom Biondolillo

See Also[]

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