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The Test of the Emerald Champion, [1] also know as the Tournament of the Emerald Champion, [2] or the Emerald Tournament, determined who would hold the title of Emerald Champion. [3] The tournament was arranged by the Imperial Herald. [4]


The winner of the tournament was decided upon a iaijutsu test, beginning with the blessing of a shugenja, in which both contenders first displayed a kata to show the opponent their martial prowess. The duel was won by the samurai who cut clean away the target papers held by his opponent. [1]

Hantei the Thirty-Eighth[]

Hantei the Thirty-Eighth announced that the customary tournament would be held to select a new Champion [2] to fill the vacancy left by the late Doji Satsume, despite the suggestion to appoint an acting Emerald Champion. [5]

Known Tournaments[]

Year Location Winner Finalist
Unknown Otosan Uchi Kakita Unknown
Unknown Unknown Doji Satsume Unknown
1123 Otosan Uchi Akodo Toturi Bayushi Aramoro


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