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Please note: This article is about the shugenja. For other uses of the term, please see Chiyu (disambiguation).
Tamori Chiyu 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Unknown 
Titles: Chiyu Family Founder

Tonbo Chiyu was a water shugenja of the Dragonfly who became the ronin Chiyu for decades, until he became Tamori Chiyu, founder of the Chiyu family, vassals of the Tamori family.


Chiyu was a former shugenja of the Dragonfly Clan, but a ronin during the Clan War. After the war ended he sought to swear fealty to the Phoenix Clan, who wished to increase their ranks with shugenja. Chiyu, a practitioner of what the Phoenix called "peasant magic", was seen unworthy by the Isawa, and turned him out. [1]


Chiyu led those ronin shugenja who had been rebuked by the Phoenix, and claimed a deserted mountain village on the border between Phoenix and Dragon lands as their own. The ronin thrived in Herbalism and water magic, focused on the healing arts. His followers went out treely, helping other without request any compensation. [2]

Seppun Arbitration[]

Chiyu and his followers quickly were renowned healers whose services were in high demand. The Phoenix attempted to gain their fealty, pointing out that they were living on Phoenix lands anyway. The Seppun family returned one of the many favors they owed to the ronin healers, and the Chiyu were allowed to keep the lands. [3]

Chiyu Family[]

Shortly after the War of Spirits, the fledging Tamori family laid claim to the former lands of the Agasha. Chiyu and his follower swore fealty to the Dragon, and in return Chiyu was named daimyo of his own family, with Shiro Chiyu as their ancestral home. [3]

Preceded by:
Chiyu Daimyo
(c. 1150) - ?
Succeeded by:


  1. Secrets of the Dragon, p. 58
  2. Secrets of the Dragon, pp. 58-59
  3. 3.0 3.1 Secrets of the Dragon, p. 59

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