L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki

So, with the defection of the Agasha to the Phoenix... Did the vassal families go to? I seem to recall only about 12 Agasha stayed with Tamori, and the rest followed Gennai... If that is the case then Agasha Tsuru most likely became a Phoenix, and the Izaku family is now entirely Phoenix... (as is the Atsumaru family...) --Majushi 12:57, 21 February 2006 (UTC)

EDIT; Oh, and the Phoenix and Dragon daimyo mentioned... I have a sneaking suspicion that Hitomi (who was the Dragon Daimyo at the time) would not look favourably on this... It is therefore more likely that the daimyo mentioned here are the Agasha and Asako daimyo... --Majushi