L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki

I was under the understanding that he died during the spirit wars? I know one book does mentioned his death at Oblivions Gate but I was told that was an error made by wizards of the coast. Can any one confirm or deny with a second source?

I read a fiction saying that Kuwanan died the day before Kurohito was born at the Battle of Oblivion's Gate... Can't remember the name of the fiction tho... -- Majushi
"Immortal Steel" mentions that Kuwanan is at Volturnum while Kurohito is born, and it is inferred that Kuwanan died there. mobyfoo 13:11, 15 Sep 2005 (UTC)
I just noticed that someone put on Doji Kurohito that he was born in 1133 after his father's death. If someone can track down that source (SoCrane maybe? I don't have that one...) then you could clear this up. --WestonWyse 05:46, 17 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Immortal Steel -- Majushi