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Talisman of Meido 
Talisman of Meido
Created by: Ryoshun
First used by: Hida Ubogin
Currently in the possession of: Hida Ubogin

The Talisman of Meido was one of the Gifts of Ryoshun crafted by the Tenth Kami Ryoshun from the essence of Meido. [1]

Appearance and Abilities[]

The talisman was a mempo and its bearer would never age or grow infirm so long as he kept it in his possession. [2] The holy Realm of Waiting would protect the bearer from harm. [3]

Hida Ubogin[]

It was first given to Hida Ubogin in 1170, who Ryoshun found worthy of his blessing. He had to choose to be a follower for either the Voice of the Jade Sun or the Voice of the Obsidian Moon. The nemuranai would aid Ubogin during his service to the Voice. [1]

Known Bearers[]

External Links[]


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