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The Soshi cartel was a criminal organization, involved in all kinds of opium activities, under the Soshi family control. [1]


Soshi, Bayushi cartel, and Shosuro cartel controlled the opium business as a monopoly. The Soshi got to sell everything within the Unicorn, Dragon and Phoenix territories, the minor part of the three Scorpion opium cartels. [2]


Her stores and processing plants are spread out all through Ryoko Owari Toshi, and were largely independent of each other. It was the smallest cartel but the most paranoid. [3]


Under the reign of Hantei XXXVIII the Kolat took control of the cartel, killin all the former leaders. [1]

Known leaders[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 8
  2. City of Lies: GM's Guide, pp. 8-9
  3. City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 9

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