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Castle of the Faithful Bride

Castle of the Faithful Bride (P5)

The Castle of the Faithful Bride (P5) in the Garanto province [1] was built by Akodo Godaigo, the former lover of Matsu Hitomi, [2] after her death. The first stone was laid on the anniversary of her death, in 442, and the Castle was completed eighteen years later, which happened to be her age when she died. The samurai lord who loved her never married, and his line ended with his death. Since her return through Oblivion's Gate Hitomi refused to visit the castle built in her honor. [3] [4]

Black Scroll[]

One of the stolen Black Scrolls was housed in the labyrinths below this palace. In 1123 the scroll's bond might be weaking, provoking a plague of Mujina in the Phoenix lands. [5]

Kaneka and Yasuyo[]

In 1166 the Shogun Kaneka met there with his betrothed, Doji Yasuyo. Kaneka looked to have a respectable sense of irony, being the castle built in honor of a Lion samurai forced into a marriage that ultimately destroyed her. [6]

War of Dark Fire[]

In 1171, during the War of Dark Fire, the Army of Fire stormed the fortifications of the castle, decimated the defenders in a rapid attack and moved ahead toward Kyuden Isawa. [7]


  1. Game Master's Guide; 2nd Ed, p. 38 and Secrets of the Phoenix, p. 96
  2. Time of the Void, pp. 19-20
  3. Legend of the Five Rings; Third Edition, p. 295
  4. Way of the Lion, p. 73
  5. Otosan Uchi: The Scorpion's Sting, p. 12
  6. Blue Skies, by Rich Wulf
  7. War of Dark Fire, Part V, by Shawn Carman

Sources Conflict
The sources relating to this article are in conflict with each other.
In Way of the Lion Hitomi was born in 423 and died 441, it means 18 years. In Third Edition said 27 years when she died. I consider Way of the Lion more accuracy. --Oni no Pikachu 11:02, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

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