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Palace of the Breaking Dawn

Palace of the Breaking Dawn

The Palace of the Breaking Dawn was built by the followers of a ronin who had been cast out from a Great Clan, decades after his death, as a continuation of the legacy he had started with Sunrise Keep. Rarely seen by outsiders, it was hidden in the high peaks of the Mountains of Regret, [1] close to the Phoenix but outside their borders. [2]


Palace of the Breaking Dawn 2

Palace of the Breaking Dawn

Abandoned Imperial Stronghold[]

Shiro Akatsuki was an Imperial holding, ruled by various minor lords appointed by Imperial functionaries. It was abandoned during the Clan Wars. [2]

Legion of Two Thousand[]

The palace had stood empty for centuries until it was once again populated by ronin. This time it housed the reborn Legion of Two Thousand, sponsored by the Imperial Families and commanded by Tamago and Utagawa. The most organized display of force by a group of ronin since the Clan War. [1] The previously roaming ronin dojo called the Dojo of a Thousand Leaves was permanently established there. [3]

Plague War[]

The palace was attacked by Karatsu's forces supported by the Dark Oracle of Fire. The powerful and insane shugenja was seeking to destroy the Legion and his son, Kuronada. [4] The enemy forces were defeated in the Siege of the Wolves. [5] A force of Great Clans arrived in time and foiled Karatsu's vengeance, [4] including Ikoma Wardens, Kitsuki Justicars, Hiruma Stalkers and sohei of the Spider Clan. [6] The defenses were finally fully rebuilt several years after the end of the Destroyer War. [3]

External Links[]


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Toturi's Army This Ronin related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by adding to the information here.