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Shinkyou province

Shinkyou province (A3)

The Shinkyou province (A3) was the sourthernmost province of the Crane Clan, and contained Shinden Asahina on the Fields of the Morning Sun, [1] Shiro Hanamidoki, [2] the Temple of Jurojin, [3] and Garden Under Shadow City. The Province formed a peninsula, bounded on one side by Earthquake Fish Bay and on the other by Yakamo's Heart. [4] The Tidal Landbridge connected this province to the Crab Ishibei province. [5]


The Asahina province was bordered by the Wakiaiai province (A2) to the Northeast, and by the Yasuki Estates to the North. The rest was bordered by the ocean Yakamo's Heart. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Secrets of the Crane, p. 96
  2. Way of the Open Hand, p. 53
  3. Legend of the Five Rings; Third Edition, p. 307
  4. The Atlas of Rokugan, p. 40
  5. Legend of the Five Rings; Third Edition, p. 322

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