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Shinjo Loruko

Shinjo Loruko

Shinjo Loruko was a bushi and scout Junghar of the Unicorn Clan.

Fighting the Ninube[]

Loruko volunteered to aid Shinjo Shono in the retaliation the Shinjo Daimyo made in the ruins of Otosan Uchi against the Ninube in 1168. The attack was made in vengeance for the kidnapping or murdering attempt of Shono's daughter. It resulted in the death of Shinjo Xie, Doji Reju, Ninube Chochu, the cleansing of Otosan Uchi of the Ninube, and the revelation of the Eighth Dragon, the Obsidian Dragon. [1]

Chagatai's defeat[]

Loruko was assigned as scout to the Junghar army during the Khan's Defiance. In 1169 she was the first to see the Khan Moto Chagatai's return escorted by a Lion army, after his defeat at the Battle of Toshi Ranbo. [2]

External Links[]


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