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Please note: This article is about the Unicorn Military Unit. For other uses of the term, please see Shinjo's Thunder (disambiguation).
Shinjo's Thunder

Shinjo's Thunder

Shinjo's Thunder was a Unicorn Medium Cavalry unit that mostly rely on their speed and charges to inflict heavy damage to their opponents. This technique was extremely effective, but some criticized it, calling Shinjo's Thunder a "Suicide squad". [1]

Scorpion Coup[]

During the second day of the Scorpion Coup the Shinjo's Thunder tested the Scorpion defenses at Otosan Uchi under the command of Shinjo Tashima. [2]

See also[]


  1. Clan War: The Clans, p. 53
  2. Otosan Uchi: The Scorpion's Sting, p. 58

Unicorn This Unicorn Clan related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by adding to the information here.