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Shika Matchmaker

Shika Matchmaker

The Shika Matchmakers were shugenja guided by Musubi, the secretive Fortune who bound together the fates of people. They had the ability to see the bonds people formed—with other people and with destiny. [1] These Matchmakers were famed among Rokugan, forging and breaking alliances between families to ensure that none become too powerful. [2]


All of the Deer's celebrated nakōdo had knowledge of musubu, an intimate process of shared meditation in which a Deer shugenja attuned themself to their meditation partner to learn about their state of mind and spirit. [3] These shugenja trained also in eloquence, tested with logic puzzles and memorization tests, being always fashionably dressed, and publicly patronized the arts. Only the most skilled Matchmakers were allowed to venture into the Empire, they were meant to be both heard and seen. Matchmakers constantly planned ahead, calculating the effect of their words. [4]

Kyūden Shika[]

Kyūden Shika, the ancestral seat of power of the Deer Clan, was regarded as the most efficient tool of Shika Matchmakers. Kyūden Shika was a palace from a fairy tale that shared the reputation of a virtue and vice place, the ideal site to court one's soulmate, as well as a den of hedonism and iniquity which allowed matchmakers for drawing friends into unbreakable alliances and ensnaring their enemies in webs of intrigue. [5]

School Ability[]

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Courts of Stone, p. 95
  2. Tread Softly (FFG Web)
  3. Courts of Stone, p. 80
  4. Courts of Stone, p. 85
  5. Courts of Stone, p. 44

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