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Shiba Murayasu 
Born: 418 
Died: 479 
Parents: Un-named Phoenix father,
Un-named Otomo mother 
Titles: Eternal Phoenix Dojo Sensei,
Seppun Guest Home Sensei

Shiba Murayasu was a bushi of the Phoenix Clan.


Murayasu was born to a Phoenix father and a wealthy Otomo mother. [1]


He spent his youth traveling between the Imperial Gardens at Otosan Uchi and the dojo at Kyuden Shiba, where he became an accomplished Shiba Bushi and fine duelist. [1]

Seppun Guest Home Dojo[]

He earned a place as a junior sensei and at the age of 26 he became one of the youngest full sensei the school had ever known. When Hantei Retsuhime, a childhood friend of Murayasu, was elevated to Emperor, she requested that Murayasu had to return and teach at the Seppun dojo. [1]


Both the Otomo and the Shiba revered Murayasu's memory, celebrating his passage on the 11th day of the Rooster. [1]

Sources Conflict
The sources relating to this article are in conflict with each other.
Winter Court:Kyuden Seppun claims that Hantei XVII requested Murayasu become a sensei at the Seppun Dojo upon becoming Emperor. It is not possible as Hantei XVII ruled 100 years after Murayasu's death. It is more likely that it was Hantei Retsuhime who was the childhood friend. She is the only Emperor who was crowned in the time period after Murayasu's rise as full sensei (c.444) and death 479.

Phoenix This Phoenix Clan related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by adding to the information here.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Winter Court: Kyuden Seppun, p. 95

Phoenix This Phoenix Clan related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by adding to the information here.