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The Seven Thunders was a group of seven Rokugani mortals who eventually repelled Fu Leng and his Shadowlands army from Rokugan, who had assaulted the Emerald Empire [1] on what became known as the Day of Thunder. [2]

Prophecy of the Order of the Seven Thunders[]

The battles on each Day of Thunder were another part of the continuing cycle of conflict between the champions of Ningen-dō and Jigoku. Roughly every thousand years, the two forces combated each other to determine which side would be in control for the next millennium. [3]

Day of Thunder[]

Jigoku, the Realm of Evil, threatened to swallow Ningen-dō, the Realm of Mortals. The Seven Thunders and Shinsei made their way deep into the Shadowlands, where they found Fu Leng and defeated him on the Day of Thunder. The cost was heavy, as only the Scorpion Shosuro survived the fight. Shiba stayed the hordes of oni and the undead while Isawa sealed their eternal enemy into the Black Scrolls. Shosuro could escape the Shadowlands with the scrolls, pursued by the armies of the Shadowlands. [2]


The Order of the Seven Thunders maintained the Shrine of the Seven Thunders and were focused on the image, personality, story, and meaning of each of the Seven Thunders. [4]

The Seven Thunders[]


  1. Dark Hands of Heaven (FFG News)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Whispers of Shadow and Steel, by Mari Murdock
  3. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 5
  4. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 171

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