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Sage were in tune with forces outside of the elemental kami that allowed them to perform miraculous feats, such as the ishiken, with their ability to tap into the Void. Sage might also be found in schools or traditions for gaijin, who used strange methods to affect the natural world. [1]

Sage of Rokugan[]

Clan Family School
Phoenix Clan Isawa family Ishiken Initiate
Unicorn Clan Utaku family Utaku Stablemaster
Meido - Mazoku's Enforcer Tradition
Tengu - Tengu Mask of Air

Sage outside Rokugan[]

Nation School
Ivory Kingdoms Ivory Kingdoms Sage Tradition
Qamarist Caliphate Qamarist Alchemist Tradition
Qamarist Caliphate Qamarist Shield Bearer
Ujik Ujik Diviner School


  1. Celestial Realms, p. 82

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