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Please note: This article is about the Dragon province. For other uses of the term, please see Sabishii province (disambiguation).
Sabishii province (Dragon)

Sabishii province

The Sabishii province was a Dragon province of the Tamori family, and contained Yamasura [1] as well as the Serpent's Tail Mine [2] and the Crystal Cave . [citation needed]


It bordered to the East with the other Tamori province, Kinenkan, with the Togashi provinces to the North, with the Gaien province to the South, and with the Unicorn Senseki province to the West, [1] having a fair amount of commercial traffic and occasional diplomatic visitors as well. [3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Secrets of the Dragon, p. 96
  2. The Atlas of Rokugan, p. 73
  3. The Atlas of Rokugan, p. 72

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