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The Rings of the Ishiken was a text which described the different lessons of the Ishiken.

“The world is not as you knew it. It is petals dancing on a breeze. Meditate on the limits of your perception— you see only the petals, but the wind is no less real. Breathe in, breathe out, and empty yourself.”
-– The First Ring of the Ishiken [1]

“Understand that the Void cannot be grasped by understanding. Extinguish the candle, that you may truly see.”
-– The Second Ring of the Ishiken [2]

“Beyond the familiar shores of space and time is a vaster ocean still.”
-– The Third Ring of the Ishiken [3]

“The pillar is not so steady as you believe. Even the most ancient stone has cracks.”
-– The Fourth Ring of the Ishiken [4]

“You were called a master when you completed the Fourth Ring's lesson. But true mastery is endless. It cannot be found in these words. Breathe in, breathe out, and empty yourself.”
-– The Fifth Ring of the Ishiken [4]


  1. Celestial Realms, p. 114
  2. Celestial Realms, p. 116
  3. Celestial Realms, p. 117
  4. 4.0 4.1 Celestial Realms, p. 119

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