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The Order of Ebisu was one of the Fortunism sects of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, devoted to Ebisu, the Fortune of Honest Work. [1] They spent most of their time among the common folk, but interacted with the samurai caste seeking to teach those who forsake Compassion and to bolster those who already practice it, subtly influencing the courts with their ideals. Monks who served Ebisu were extremely patient and will labor without complaint for endless days. [2] Since the 3rd century they used to travel between different Phoenix festivals, a tradition later known as the Phoenix Road Festival, depicted in 467 in the popular book The Phoenix Road. [3] Most of its members spent their days working with the peasantry, expanding in the aftermath of the Great Famine. [4]

Known Technique[]

Known Members[]


  1. North American Championships Top of Clan: “The Counsel of the Brotherhood”
  2. Book of Void, p. 191
  3. Masters of Magic, p. 88
  4. Book of Void, p. 93

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