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Nukarumi were the disembodied spirits of Shadowlands creatures destroyed in a battle in the Shadowlands Marshes of Shinomen, deep within the Shinomen Mori. [1]

In in the year 815, [2] Naga Pearl Magic was used to destroy some Shadowlands beasts invading Shinomen. The Naga magic reduced many of their enemies to a viscous ichor that seeped into the ground, corrupting it. This created the Shadowlands Marshes of Shinomen. [1]

The Nukarumi were bound to the marsh by powerful Naga wards and were forever trapped within its confines. They manipulated the sludge to assume a crude and malleable physical form of sorts. [3] Nukarumi forced an opponent to the ground, engulfing their victim with the sludge until they drowned. [2]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Way of the Shadowlands, p. 129
  2. 2.0 2.1 Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition, p. 143
  3. Creatures of Rokugan p. 53

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