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Ningyo (TCG)

Feral Ningyo

Ningyo was a Rokugani race of fish-like creatures, [1] who dwelled in the deep waters lapping at the shores of the Emerald Empire. Ningyo were one of the Five Ancient Races that ruled the world that would become Rokugan before humanity became the dominant race of the mortal realm. [2] Sometimes ningyo were friendly despite their predatory appearance, and other times they were merciless hunters. [3]


The Ningyo society was designed around a complicated political system and centered on their capital city far below the waves of the Sea of the Sun Goddess. Families were often assigned to specific portions of the ocean or, occasionally, smaller bodies of water to guard against any threat that might imperil the eco system or the machinations of the capital's courts, and they were known as Protectors. Some families had also mastered the ability to shift into human form, though this form was unique to each individual ningyo. The human form grew and aged as the ningyo does, and it retained any injuries and scars the ningyo had in their true form. [4] They communicated through a sign-speak system. [5]



After the Five Ancient Races' empires rose and fell, and left no record, another race, the Naga, dwelled in the lands that later became Rokugan. [6] These races resided in disparate corners of Rokugan, shadows of their former selves but as dangerous as ever. [7]

Phoenix Clan[]

The Kami Shiba, founder of the Phoenix Clan, married a ningyo woman, Tsumaru, and her granddaughter later published an account of her grandmother's stories. [6]


Some stories told that ningyo had been seen in the waters of White Shore Lake, and said they lived in ruins of cities and palaces that have sunk into the sea, such as Kyūden Morehei. It was also said that if mortals eat the flesh of a ningyo, they could achieve immortality. [8]

Storm Eel[]

In the 11th century the Storm Eel, a massive, malicious eel, prowled the waters of Earthquake Fish Bay. The creature held the power to summon storms and call lightening from both the sky and its own body. The Storm Eel seemed invincible—but a group of Mantis sailors, Crab samurai, ningyo, and fisherfolk came together to slay the creature, trapping its spirit within its remains. The bones of the Storm Eel wrapped around a small island in the bay, the Unnamed Island. [9]

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Legend of the Five Rings: Roleplaying Game (Beta), p. 166
  2. The Balance of the Elements: Ancient Creatures
  3. The Mantis Clan
  4. Storm Eel's Rest, pp. 5, 8
  5. Storm Eel's Rest, p. 21
  6. 6.0 6.1 Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 8
  7. The Balance of the Elements: Ancient Creatures
  8. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 223
  9. Storm Eel's Rest, p. 4
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