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Moto Taidjut 
Moto Taidjut 
Born: Unknown 
Died: 1166 
Titles: Commander of the Fifth Legion of the Khol

Moto Taidjut was a bushi of the Unicorn Clan.

Khol Army[]

Taidjut was a scout and messenger in the Khol army. [1]

War of the Rich Frog[]

In 1165 Taidjut was wounded when carrying a message from Ryoko Owari to Moto Chagatai. He met a patrol of the Junghar led by Shinjo Shono, who escorted him. [1]

Shireikan of the Fifth Legion[]

Taidjut was appointed as commander of the Fifth Legion of the Khol, Southern Wind. [2]


In 1166 Taidjut led a White Guard unit and attacked the Dragon Imperial Legions led by Mirumoto Kei. He was killed in a duel with Kei. [2]

External Links[]


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