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L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
Moto Qing

Moto Qing

Moto Qing was a Unicorn Clan bushi and gunso of the Khol. [1]


Qing was intense and brooding, not so much out of general rudeness, but because of how long he must wait to battle, for which he was always ready. [1]

Moto Guard[]

During the Four Winds era Qing was assigned to lead the unit guarding Shiro Moto. [1] Some of the finest students of the Dojo of the Center were selected to defend the home of the Khan. These graduates, policing Shiro Moto, made it one of the safest places in the Unicorn provinces. [2]

War of the Rich Frog[]

In 1166 Qing was present at Sukoshi Zutsu when the khan Moto Chagatai killed the Lion Clan Champion, Matsu Nimuro in the War of the Rich Frog. [3]

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Secrets of the Unicorn, p. 17
  2. Masters of War, p. 136
  3. The War of the Rich Frog, Part Six, by Shawn Carman and Rich Wulf

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