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Please note: This article is about the bushi. For other uses of the term, please see Juro (disambiguation).
Moto Juro

Moto Juro

Moto Juro was a bushi of the Unicorn Clan.

Whispers of Cruelty[]

Juro was followed by rumors of vicious acts, and true or not, they clinged to him and poisoned the impressions people have of Juro. [1] He was also considered a cunning tactician who would give no quarter in a fight, and in 1123 Juro was appointed as steward of Hisu Mori Mura, which had been recently retaken by his Clan from the Lion. [2] Governor Juro aided Shinjo Hideo, leader of the Miname Kaze, against the assault of the Lion forces led by Ikoma Tsanuri. [3]

External Links[]


  1. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 129
  2. Kunshu 2019 Clan Letters
  3. A Missive from the Front

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