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Miya Ansho 
Born: Unknown 
Children: Miya Iaimiko 
Titles: Naishou Governor

Miya Ansho was the governor of Naishou province.


Ansho was a quiet, bookish boy, who became a shisha like the majority of his family. With no interest to travel or explore, he was given assignments in major, well-established cities of the Empire, where he displayed a mastery of etiquette and political entanglement. [1]

Naishou Governor[]

In 1198 the Phoenix governor of the Naishou province died under mysterious circumstances. [2] Scorpion and Crane forces moved to the province claiming it as their own. Ansho was appointed as Governor and assigned a force of troops from the Lion Clan to help him re-establish peace in the area, with Matsu Tadanobu as military commander. He moved to Toshi no Naishou with his daughter Miya Iaimiko. Ansho was widowed, having lost his wife to disease a few years ago. The bickering of the Great Clans disappointed him, and he was seriously considering appointing a Minor Clan samurai to rule the area as lesson to the arrogant Great Clan diplomats. [3]

Bloodspeakers Threat[]

Several crimes happened in the sample cluster of ten small villages located in the eastern part of Naishou Province near Yasurugi Monastery. After a samurai child disappeared, his father Doji Takozawa petitioned Ansho for help. The governor sent a group of samurai to investigate, and they eventually discovered a Bloodspeaker cell, which was destroyed. [4]

See also[]


  1. Naishou Province, p. 20
  2. 2013 GenCon Update: Costume Contest and RPG Event
  3. Naishou Province, pp. 17, 20, 28
  4. Naishou Province, pp. 65, 77

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