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Mirumoto Kawanari 
Mirumoto Kawanari 
Born: Unknown 
Died: 1167

Mirumoto Kawanari was a bushi an Nemuranai Hunter of the Dragon Clan.

Nemuranai Hunter[]

Kawanari was a gunso under the command of Mirumoto Rosanjin. In 1167 he was ordered to investigate if the Crane were hoarding some sinister artifact in their northern regions. Kawanari was accompanied by Mirumoto Binya and the shugenja Kitsuki Yasunobu. Their travel papers shown that the purpose of their travel was to deliver a message from Rosanjin to a distant outpost near the ruins of Otosan Uchi. [1]

Zokujin Aid[]

The three Dragon sought the aid of their allies the Zokujin, and Yasunobu made a ritual that summoned Ngjk. The creature smelled something strange in the surroindings and detected a hidden cache. A small stone chamber was lined with weapons and a number of large barrels, filled with ilegal gaijin pepper. Possession of gunpowder was in violation of Imperial Decree and those found with it were to be executed. [1]

Fighting Harriers[]

The Dragon were seen by a group of disguised Harriers at command of Daidoji Shihei. Binya was quickly cut down, and Yasunobu wounded. The shugenja sacrificed himself to allow Kawanari to escape, hurling a ball of flame into the hollow. In doing so caused the powder to explode who killed all the Harriers but Shihei. [1]


A grievously wounded Kawanari returned to Shiro Mirumoto, and before he died was written an accusation report with his testimony. It would be instrumental in the involvement of the Dragon and Crane Clans into the War of Silk and Steel. [1]

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Rulebook Story (Training Grounds II)

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