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Matsu Shigeko was a bushi and Emerald Magistrate of the Lion Clan.

Vow of celibacy[]

Shigeko was a warrior, a samurai-ko whose code of behavior was particularly strict. [1] After she graduated Shigeko took her vows, including a vow of celibacy. Sadly she met Akodo Yogodayu, and they fell in love from each other. They could not advance in their love, and eventually Yogodayu moved to Ikoma Castle. [2]

Emerald Magistrate[]

In 1118 Shigeko was appointed as the Emerald Magistrate of Ryoko Owari Toshi. [3] When Shigeko first arrived the Governor Shosuro Hyobu gave her the gift of a fine saddle, and Kitsu Senshi gave Shigeko a new horse bow. Ide Shikibu, a matron married to the acting head of city's Unicorn, visited Shigeko personally and gave her a strange, gaijin tree. Shigeko planted it in the garden of the Magistrate Residence. [4]


Shigeko quickly understood how the different kajinin firemen groups worked, and she was more respected after Shigeko killed an insolent member of the Fire Eaters. [5]


In the city she saw again her former love. Currently he was known as Gate, and was a Ronin who run the shop Swords Polished in the Teardrop Island. His shop was the entrance to the Licensed Quarter, and any who wished to pass into had to give his blade to Gate. While the samurai was inside the Quarter Gate polished the sword, so no blades were allowed within this den of iniquity. [6]

Queen of Generosity[]

Shigeko was chosen as 'Queen of Generosity' in the festival Days of Generosity. She disliked the task and as a part of her temporary duties she eventually selected Shosuro Jocho, son of the city's Governor, the 'best giver'. [7]

Ryoko Ninja[]

There she tried to stop the activities of the called Ryoko Ninja, without success. [8] Shigeko became frustrated and was replaced by Ashidaka Naritoki. [9] In 1120 she perceived her inability to effectively police the City of Stories and before retiring, Shigeko prepared a dossier for her successor. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 10
  2. City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 51
  3. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 83
  4. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 59
  5. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 25
  6. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 77
  7. City of Lies: Player's Guide, p. 17
  8. City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 13
  9. City of Lies: GM's Guide, p. 38

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