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Marsh Trolls

Marsh Trolls

Marsh Trolls were reclusive humanoids with bulging bellies, slimy green skin, and bristling shocks of mud-caked hair. [1]

Abilities and Battle[]

Marsh trolls were often found in packs and were very territorial. [2] They had much in common with ogres, and were incredibly strong and deceptively quick for their size. They also exhibited a dangerous cunning that was unusual in most Shadowlands creatures. Marsh Trolls' favorite tactic was to lurk just below the surface of their favorite mire, waiting for passersby that looked tasty. [3] Once they initiated battle, they would not retreat or give ground, but would fight to the death. [4]

See also[]

Marsh Troll

A Marsh Troll

External Links[]


  1. Creatures of Rokugan, p. 41
  2. Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition, p. 175
  3. Creatures of Rokugan, p. 42
  4. Clan War: Shadowlands Army Expansion, p. 41

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