L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki

Marie Brennan was a member of the Story Team in the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, published by Fantasy Flight Games. She had been got involved with the RPG in the Legend of the Five Rings when it was published by Alderac Entertainment Group, during its 4th Edition. In June 2017 was published his first official fiction, The Rising Wave. [1]

About Marie Brennan[]

  • Birth: 1980
  • Name: Marie Brennan is the pseudonym of Bryn Neuenschwander [2]
  • Nickname: Kinzen [3]
  • Position: Writer for the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game
  • Web: Swan Tower, Patreon


Marie Brennan holds an undergraduate degree in archaeology and folklore from Harvard, and completed graduate coursework in cultural anthropology and folklore at Indiana University in Bloomington. She now misapplies her professors’ hard work by using it as inspiration for her fantasy novels and short stories.

At present she lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she spends her time playing piano, studying shorin-ryu karate, dabbling in amateur photography, and playing a variety of role-playing games.

Her first novel was published in 2004. Since then she has sold a dozen books and more than forty short stories. [4]


Preceded by:
L5R Writer
2017 - Present
Succeeded by:

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