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A Madōshi

Madōshi, [1] also known as Mahō-tsukai, were evil sorcerers practitioners of Mahō, who made offerings of blood and death with wicked spirits in exchange for diabolical powers. Shugenja who had believed they would merely study mahō to better counter its effects ended up becoming corrupted by what they had learned and slowly turned toward evil ends without even realizing. [2] One did not need the shugenja's gift to become a mahō-tsukai. [3]


Mahō-tsukai 2

A Mahō-tsukai

Reviled by society and hunted by several sworn orders within the bounds of the Emerald Empire, mahō-tsukai often acted subtly, disguising their corruption beneath a pleasant façade and stirring words. A mahō-tsukai must always provide a sacrifice to fuel mahō techniques. This was usually blood (their own or someone else's), but particularly evil acts could in and of themselves function as sacrifices. A mahō-tsukai first invoked a subtle curse upon their target, drawing kansen to the victim. Once the curse took hold, the mahō-tsukai could call the kansen to act upon the target in a variety of unpleasant ways, from mental and social manipulation to inflicting agony, illness, and death. [4]

Blood Rituals[]

Every time mahō was invoked, it attracted Jigoku's forces and invited the Realm of Evil into Ningen-dō. Blood was an unclean substance that stained the spirit, but for Jigoku, it was the essence of mortal life and the supreme offering. By giving their own blood, mahō-tsukai compelled kansen to commit profane acts, and by utilizing blood rituals, they embraced the vile gifts of the Shadowlands Taint. [3] Bloodspeakers cut across their forearm with a special knife, because it was easy to conceal. [5]


Hare Clan[]

The Usagi family devoted itself to finding and battling mahō-tsukai wherever they might be found. [6]


Mahō-tsukai were easily recognizable for nezumi, who used the term zakseker to refer them. [7]

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. (L5R Web)
  2. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 318
  3. 3.0 3.1 Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 164
  4. Legend of the Five Rings: Roleplaying Game (Beta), pp. 140-141
  5. Hidden Markings, by Robert Denton III
  6. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 18
  7. Beneath the Light of Jade, by Robert Denton III

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