Samurai armor was very flexible, designed not to impede movement. [citation needed] The Imperial Histories attributed to Kami Akodo the development of the first true suit of Rokugani armor. [1]
This is a list of the known types of armor. [2]
Light Armor[]
- Ashigaru armor
- Bogu
- Light Armor
- Light Hide Armor
- Naga Armor
- Riding Armor
- Tatami Armor
- Tetsu-Dou
- Yoroi
Medium Armor[]
Heavy Armor[]
Gaijin armor[]
- Brigandine - Ivory Kingdoms
- Chain mail - Ivory Kingdoms
- Senpet Chain Shirt - Senpet
- Ebonite armor - Ebonites
- Half-Plate - Yodotai
- Jazerant - Ivory Kingdoms
- Lorica Segmentata - Yodotai
- Cuirass - Thrane, Merenae
- Yobanjin lamellar - Yobanjin
- Yodotai Chain Shirt - Yodotai
- Adaga - Senpet
- Barricade shield - Yodotai
- Dhal - Ivory Kingdoms
- Large Wooden Shield - Senpet
- Large steel shield - Yodotai
- Parma - Yodotai
- Scutum - Yodotai
- Yodotai shield - Yodotai