Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game cover
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (often abbreviated "L5R: TCG") is a fictional setting that covers in detail the fantastical land of Rokugan, a nation whose culture and history is based on that of feudal Japan. The setting also briefly touches upon many of the different cultures that occupy the same world.
The Games[]
The Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game[]
The Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game is a living card game of two players, each with two decks. The game continues until a player has reached one of several different victory conditions, at which point that player is declared the winner. [1]
Fantasy Flight Games in 2015 entered into an agreement to purchase the Legend of the Five Rings intellectual property from Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG). FFG will be re-releasing many of the L5R games and is in the process of designing a Living Card Game (LCG) based on the L5R CCG, expected to be released in Gen Con Indy 2017. [2]
Fictional Setting[]
The Legend of the Five Rings has a storyline developing the characters and the world of Rokugan. FFG decided to make a reset from the AEG timeline setting, and the history began again in the year 1123 of the Isawa Calendar. [3]