Legacy of the Forge was an adventure book for the Legend of the Five Rings roleplaying game published in 1999. It was the second of the 'B' series of adventures, designed to test players' understanding of honor, loyalty and ethics - Bushido, the code of the warrior.
"Sometimes, to honor the past, we must sacrifice the future...."
- Written by: Patrick Kapera
- Game System by David Williams and John Wick
- Cover Artwork: Carl Frank
- Interior Artwork: Cris Dornaus, Rob Hinds, Scott James
- Maps: Craig Zipse
- Artwork Prepress: Steve Hough, Brendon Goodyear
- Line Editor: D.J. Trindle
- Editing: D.J. Trindle, Ree Soesbee
- Interior Layout: Steve Hough, Brendon Goodyear
Table of Contents[]
Introduction (page 6)[]
- Gamemaster's Notes
Act I: Toshi Ranbo (page 14)[]
- Getting Started
- The Plains outside the Fortress
- The Inn of the Brooding Tempest
- Through the Front Line
- The Bridge
- The Front Line
- Scaling the Walls
- Storning the Castle
- Arrival of the Legacy
- Tankenka's Fate
- Ending the Act
Act II: Shiro Sano Ken Hayai (page 28)[]
- Castle of the Swift Sword
- Response to the Armies
- The Neighboring Villages
- PC Invetigation
- Matsu Tsuko
- Interviewing the Kitsu
- The Spiritual World
- Ghosts
- Kitsu Goden
- The Kitsu Masters
- The Akodo and Matsu Masters
- Kitsuki Daran
- The Archives
- Events
- Response to the Legacy
- The Lion Military
- The Phantom Duelist
- The Trap
- Fighting the Legacy
- Arasou and Tankenka
- The Armorer
- The Task at Hand
- The Junshi
- Sozui and Goden
- New spell
Act III: Across the Plains of Battle (page 42)[]
- The Plains of Battle
- The Outposts
- Getting There
- The Ruined Hirajiro (Outpost)
- The Crazed Oni
- The Crane Arrive
- The Numbers
- The Mechanics
- Lion Reinforcements
- Ending the Act
Act IV: Shiro no Yojin (page 50)[]
- Shiro no Yojin
- Arrival
- The Balcony
- The Long Dark Night
- Preparing for War
- Dinner with Isebo
- Searching the Grounds
- The Messenger
- Daidoji Yurei
- Dawn
- The Crane Army
- Conducting the Battle
- The Legacy Returns
- The Halls of Shiro no Yojin
- Completing the Ritual
- Sacrifices
- Sozui
- Last Goodbyes
- Goden's Fate