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Please note: This article is about the ronin child. For other uses of the term, please see Kocho (disambiguation).


Kocho was a child who was part of a bandit ronin gang led by Niban.

Ronin village[]

Kocho was the cute, cuddly, and adorable eyes and ears for the ronin Nightingale Village. He lost his parents, and somehow hooked up with Niban as an apprentice, becoming their scout. Kocho loved horses but never had riding them. [1]

Setsuban Festival[]

Kocho was sent to keep an eye on the people who attended the shugenja Setsuban Festival Tournament held at the Ki-Rin's Shrine. [2] After a group of samurai lobbied in the ronin's favor Niban offered Kocho to their service. [3]

See also[]


  1. Code of Bushido, p. 16
  2. Code of Bushido, p. 13
  3. Code of Bushido, p. 17

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