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Kitsuki Investigator (TCG)

A Kitsuki Investigator

The Kitsuki Investigator school was founded when Agasha Kitsuki saved the life of the Mirumoto Daimyō by use of evidence. The Kitsuki Investigators used their method of observation, experimentation, logic, and reason to understand the truth, which put them outside the norm of the Rokugani testimony-based judiciary system. The Kitsuki Investigators gravitated to legal work as magistrates and justicars, and were also found serving as courtiers and representatives of the Dragon Clan. [1] The school was housed in the western keep of Shiro Kitsuki. [2]


Kitsuki Investigators used recreated crime scenes to give rookies the next best thing to on-the-job training. The annual culmination of these exercises was the Investigators' Masquerade. The senior leaders of the Kitsuki Investigator School leveraged their skills in disguise and subtlety to adopt fictional personae and stage a simulated crime and attendant mystery, redecorating the Shiro Kitsuki grounds as the setting. Kitsuki Investigators had a week to uncover the truth behind the mystery. This hands-on investigative exercise always included puzzles, social challenges, and athletic or martial tests that contained concealed clues. [3]

School Ability[]

See also[]


  1. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 67
  2. Courts of Stone, p. 34
  3. Courts of Stone, p. 35

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