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Kakita Swordsmith

Kakita Swordsmith

The Kakita Swordsmith School emphasized perfection and excellence. The blades they forged were renowned across Rokugan as the finest. Very rarely, a venerable swordsmith would take on a promising youth as an apprentice, though most apprentices spent decades before they were honored as “proficient.” [1] While hardly one sword in abgeneration was deemed worth to bear the name “Kakita blade,” all of their works had an exquisitely sharp edge with no sacrifice to the weapon's sturdiness, which was known as "Kakita Pattern." [2]

Known School Ability[]

See also[]


  1. Shadowlands: The Essential Guide to the Dominion of Fu Leng, p. 89
  2. Shadowlands: The Essential Guide to the Dominion of Fu Leng, p. 109

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