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Ivory Court

Suikihime's Ivory Court

The Ivory Court was the court of the Colonies, and it was held within the Governor's Estate. [1] It was formed by those servants of the Imperial Governor of the Colonies, and the place the governor held her audiences in the Second City was known as the Ivory Courtroom, [2] and the Governor's seat was called the Ivory Throne. [3]


The Governor Otomo Suikihime did not wish to preserve the traditional ways as her predecessor, but to find something new, something the world had never seen before. Her first act was to restructure the entire Ivory Court. Many of the advisors to the previous Governor left in protest. Those who did not retire as monks committed seppuku in defiant protest. [4] She placed a dais in the Ivory Courtroom, and it was not uncommon for members of the Second City Court to take it and offer impromptu performances. What she created was called the “Ivory Court.” [5]

Place for Thriving[]

Ivory Courtroom

The Ivory Courtroom

It was far easier to gain audience with a high-ranking official in the Ivory Court than in any of the mainland courts of Rokugan. Low-ranking courtiers could capitalize this advanatge upon more regularly, making the Ivory Court an ideal place for the talented or the ambitious. [6]


The Ivory Court was made up of three circles of influence:

  • The Governor's Entourage: those who bestowed the Governor's favor, despite they did not hold an official position as a member of this circle. It comprised her immediate family, her hand-chosen advisors, the heads of each of her five Ministries, her friends, her personal yojimbo, and the current darlings of the court. [7]
  • The Court Functionaries: It was made up of all of the officials and bureaucrats who kept the court running and ensured the Governor's laws and decrees reached the people. [8]
  • Embassies of the Ivory Court: representatives of the Clans constantly lobbied with the Governor, her Ministries, and one another. [9]
For further information on this section, please see Summer Court


The Samurai Caste Divides[]

Combat at Ivory Court

Combat at Ivory Court

In 1199 members of the Ivory Court openly fought, blades unsheathed. The Dragon delegation with Togashi Noboru at their head defended themselves from Unicorn samurai. [10] The Dragon and Spider worked together to contain the fighting. [11] These events where part of the samurai who supported Iweko Seiken or Iweko Shibatsu as the next Emperor. Although the two sons of the Empress did not sanction action against one another, their followers were happy to take that initiative on their own. [12]

External Links[]


  1. Second City - The City, p. 18
  2. Notice Me, by Robert Denton
  3. Face the Madness, Part 1, by Shawn Carman & Seth Mason
  4. Second City - The People, p. 7
  5. There Will Be Blood, Part 1A, by Daniel Briscoe and Shawn Carman
  6. Second City - The People, p. 8
  7. Second City - The People, p. 9
  8. Second City - The People, p. 11
  9. Second City - The People, p. 13
  10. Combat at Court (A Line in the Sand Picture and flavor)
  11. Dragon Elite Inkyo (A Line in the Sand flavor)
  12. The Samurai Caste Divides (A Line in the Sand flavor)

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