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Iuchi family (TCG)


Clan: Unicorn Clan (TCG) 
Founded: Unknown 
Daimyo: Iuchi Daiyu

The Iuchi family, named after its founder Iuchi, [1] was one of the families of the Unicorn Clan, renowned by their meishōdō magic. [2] Their years exploring outside the Empire made the Iuchi one of most open-minded and experimental of the shugenja families. [3]


The Iuchi family served as the Unicorn's unique form of shugenja, harnessing powerful meishōdō magic to defeat their foes. [4] During their journey outside the Empire Iuchi's horde was known as the Green Horde, and they never reunited with their bethren. [5]



The Iuchi family mon was an unfurled scroll depicted in white. [6]


Occupying the large stretch of south-eastern territories, the Iuchi provinces were the loneliest of the Unicorn's. Vast stretches of uninterrupted grasslands were home to herds of wild ponies and deer. The western border of Iuchi lands was mountainous and rocky, home to several diamond veins, and mining communities formed some of the only villages of the Iuchi. To the east, the Three-Sides-River divides the provinces from the lands of the Lion Clan. [7] Gatherer of Winds Castle was their ancestral seat of power. [8]

Iuchi Daimyō[]

The following is a listing of the known daimyō of the Iuchi family:

Iuchi ? - ?
Iuchi Daiyu ? - Present

See also[]


  1. A Most Suitable Teacher, by Katrina Ostrander
  2. The Rising Wave, by Marie Brennan
  3. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 55
  4. A Samurai's Heritage
  5. Across the Burning Sands, by Daniel Lovat Clark
  6. Outsiders, by Robert Denton III
  7. Adventures in Rokugan, p. 349
  8. Heart of the Garden, by Edward Bolme

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