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Isawa Taiko (TCG) 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Unknown 
Titles: Master of Fire

Taiko was a peasant boy with the gift of speaking to the elemental kami. He became Kitsu Taiko upon his entering into the Kitsu family. He had a great affinity for the element of Fire and made great advances in invoking and manipulating that element. His talent was so great that when he retired from service with the Lion, the Phoenix Clan offered him the position of Master of Fire. He accepted, becoming Isawa Taiko, the first non-Phoenix (and one of few non-Isawa) to have held a seat on the Council of Five. [1]

Preceded by:
Master of Fire
? - ?
Succeeded by:


  1. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 16

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