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The Imperial Families were the families of the Emperor and his closest followers. [1] Within only a few such generations, the number of princes and princesses born to the Imperial family were so many, that rather than challenge the claim of the Emperor's eldest child, at adulthood these other heirs joined the families of Hantei-no-Kami's original followers, Miya and Otomo and Seppun. [2]


Because they were members of the kuge, the senior nobility of the Empire, the Imperial families stood apart from the bulk of the samurai, the buke. The Imperial families had a degree of access to the Emperor and the senior Imperial authorities, such as the Emerald Champion, Imperial Advisor, and Imperial Chancellor, that the Great Clans could only envy. When addressed, a member of one of the Imperial families was always entitled to be addressed by the honorific -sama, regardless of the status of the speaker. [3]


The Imperial Families were very traditional regarding the length and style of men's hair, and they cut short the hair of every Imperial prior to their gempuku. [4]



See also[]


  1. The Great Clans
  2. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 17
  3. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 228
  4. The Stories We Tell, by Nancy M. Sauer

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